1 chicken
2 lt water
4cm of ginger, memarkan
2 btg Serai, memarkan
12 pcs bw red, finely sliced
4 tbsp sweet soy sauce
oil need to
Spices are:
10 pcs white bw
1 tsp caraway, sangrai
1 tsp coriander, sangrai
2 cm turmeric fuel
1 tsp pepper powder
salt according to taste
Boiled chicken eggs
100 gr bean sprouts, cleans its roots
Shred leaves selederi
Lime juice
Soy sauce condiment:
12 stir-fry green chili sauce and 3 bw white,
puree mixed with hot water and a little sweet soy sauce 4 tbsp
How to make:
1. Bersama2 boiled chicken with ginger and Serai, hinga chicken becomes tender
2. Lift chicken, if the meat is cold suwir2 seen kuahnya
3. Heat oil, stir fry the onion slices
4. Then enter the ingredients are cooked until fragrant
5. Enter the ingredients have to stir fry the chicken in the broth, add the water if less, cook until boiling
6. Add sweet soy sauce into it, if it is less than 4 tbsp, can be added according to taste
7. Correction taste
8. Serve with Potato and concrete.
Serving suggestions:
1. Prepare a bowl, fill with bean sprouts, chicken and suwir flush with mayonnaise soto
2. Taburi with sliced celery, give facial lime juice
3. Serve warm with sweet sauce condiment
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