Thursday, November 13, 2008

Soto Tangkar

Soto Tangkar

Ingredients :
300 gr rib bones
200 gr sandung myopia
1500 ml of water
2 bay leaf
1 stem Serai, memarkan
½ coconuts, grated, sangrai, puree
1 tsp tamarind
5 fruit, vegetables starfruit, part two
2 tbsp vegetable oil

fine spices :
1 tsp coriander
6 eggs hazelnut
4 red chilies
8 pieces of red onion
4 cloves garlic
1 cm turmeric
2 cm ginger
2 cm lengkuas
1 tsp sugar
½ tsp cumin
adequate salt

Directions :
1. Boiled bones and rib sandung myopia until soft and cooked.
2. Stir-fry until fragrant spices finely. Enter the bay and Serai, the average mixed. Cast tumisan flavor to the stew in the rib bone.
3. Enter sangrai coconut, starfruit and tamarind wuluh. Cook until cooked and the sauce curdle. Lift. Serve.