Ingredients :
6 units of tomato, cut
8 sheets orange leaves
3 pieces bay
4 pieces of potato, peeled, Shop 2, sauté until cooked, cut
2 stem Serai, memarkan
½ kg yellow noodles / wet noodles, steamed briefly
¼ cabbage, sliced thin
1 kg of meat sandung myopia (½ kg sandung myopic & ½ kg of cow leather / kikil), boiled until tender meat, cut. Filter used to poach the meat sauce as 1500 ml liter.
3 onions, sliced thin
10 pcs lumpia / risoles, ready for use, cut
3 tbsp vegetable oil need to
Fine spices :
15 pieces of red onion
8 pieces of garlic
1 tsp pepper powder
2 cm ginger
2 cm turmeric
5 red chilies
adequate salt
Directions :
1. Stir-fry ingredients that have been mashed baunya until fragrant, then enter the Serai, orange leaves and leaves one. Mixed average.
2. Enter tumisan spices to the boiling pot of water remaining meat, and enter the pieces of meat and cook until boiling. Lift. Aside.
3. Penyajiannya way: put the noodles in the bowl, pieces of tomato, potato pieces, and risoles. Flush with the sauce with pieces of meat. Taburi with spring onion slices. Dining with a facial while the hot lemon juice and sweet soy sauce.
Making lumpia / risoles own:
Prepare a 10 - 15 pieces skin lumpia. 150 gr boiled rice noodles until cooked, lift and tiriskan.Tumis 1 clove minced garlic, and enter the rice noodles, add salt and pepper adequate, the average mixed. Lift. Fill each sheet skin lumpia with 1 tbsp rice noodles, fold and roll, trimmed with white glue eggs. Fry until cooked lumpia and yellowish color.
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