Ingredients for tumisan chicken :
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp sesame oil
6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
350 g chicken fillet, cut into dice
200 gr button mushroom / mushroom, cut
6 tbsp sweet soy sauce
Salt 2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper powder
For the rice :
1250 ml chicken broth / water
1 tsp salt
500 g white rice pulen, wash clean Drain
2 tbsp vegetable oil
For broth :
1 ½ liters of chicken broth
2 tbsp chopped garlic tumisan
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper powder
1 onion leaf stems, sliced
To complement :
pickles mentimun
chili condiment bottles
Directions :
1. Prepare a bowl of rice to mengetim, olesi with oil seen.
2. Create tumisan chicken: heat oil with sesame oil, stir fry garlic until fragrant, enter the chicken, cooked to change color. Then enter the sweet soy sauce, salty soy sauce, salt and pepper, cook until the chicken cooked. Enter the mushrooms, cook briefly until the water runs out, lift. For a 5 - 6 sections.
3. Make the rice: boil broth, enter the rice, salt and cooking oil. Cook until the rice becomes dry and Aron, lift. For a 5 - 6 sections.
4. Make sauce: boil broth, enter tumisan garlic, salt and pepper. After boiling, taburi with sliced onions, lift.
5. Take one bowl of rice to mengetim, enter tumisan chicken and rice and on. Steam for 30 minutes until cooked. Lift.
6. Sajikah warm cucumbar with pickles and chili condiment.
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